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Southern African Society for Plant Pathology
Advancing Agriculture in Southern Africa


SASPP Conference Awards


Biennial Conference Awards

inqaba biotec Award for Best Student Presentation in Molecular Biology

The Inqaba biotec Award for best student presentation in Molecular Biology was awarded to Cheyenne Theron (University of Pretoria) for her talk “Pseudocercospora spp. identified as potential causal agents of fruit spot and rot on kiwifruit in South Africa”.

From left, Prof Willem Boshoff, Dr Gert Marais & Cheyenne Theron

Corteva Agriscience Plant Health Products Floating Trophy for Best Oral presentation on Biological Control

The Corteva Agriscience Plant Health Products Floating Trophy for Best Oral presentation on Biological Control was awarded to Alec Edwards (University of the Free State) for his talk “Harnessing native microbes for sustainable agriculture: assessing indigenous bacteria of the soybean microbiome as biofertilizers and biocontrol agents for the management of Sclerotinia stem rot”.

From left, Christin Hunter (Marketing Manager at Pannar Seed), Alec Edwards, Prof Willem Boshoff & Dr Gert Marais

PANNAR Award for Best Poster Presentation by a Student

The PANNAR Award for Best Poster Presentation by a Student was awarded to Samkelisiwe Thango (University of Pretoria) for her poster “In vitro and in planta phenotyping of Exserohilum turcicum strains in South Africa”.

From left, Christin Hunter, Samkelisiwe Thango, Prof Willem Boshoff & Dr Gert Marais

PANNAR Award for Best Oral Presentation by a Student

The PANNAR Floating Trophy for Best Oral Presentation by a Student was awarded to Kara Janse van Rensburg (University of Stellenbosch) for her talk “Re-examining the epidemiology of Erysiphe necator causing grapevine powdery mildew in South Africa”.

From left, Christin Hunter, Kara Janse van Rensburg, Prof Willem Boshoff & Dr Gert Marais


Biennial Conference Awards

SASPP Plant Health Products Award for Best Oral Presentation Biological Control

Presented to Sinegugu Shude for her oral presentation “An integrated control strategy for managing Fusarium head blight of wheat using epiphytic yeasts and a plant defence inducer”.

From left to right: Prof. Noëlani van den Berg (FABI), Sinegugu Shude (UKZN), Dr Gloria Mandiriza (Corteva), Prof. Bernard Slippers (FABI)

PANNAR Award for Best Oral Presentation by a Student

Presented to Lihan Esterhuizen for his oral presentation titled “A non-destructive technique for early detection of Phytophthora root rot using hyperspectral leaf reflectance”.

From left to right: Prof. Noëlani van den Berg (FABI), Dr Rikus Kloppers (Corteva), Lihan Esterhuizen (UP), Dr Gloria Mandiriza (Corteva), Prof. Bernard Slippers (FABI)

inqaba biotec Award for Best Student Presentation in Molecular Biology

Presented to Dirk Aldrich for his presentation titled “From mutants to informants: Using infectious clones to study citrus tristeza virus-induced stem pitting”.

From left to right: Prof. Noëlani van den Berg (FABI), Dirk Aldrich (SU), Tshepiso Shude (inqaba biotech), Ernest Mokoena (inqaba biotech) Prof. Bernard Slippers (FABI)

PANNAR Award for Best Poster Presentation by a Student

Presented to Angel Maduke for her poster titled “Diversity of the Botryosphaeriaceae on Macadamia leaves, nuts, and racemes and their association with disease”.

From left to right: Prof. Noëlani van den Berg (FABI), Dr Rikus Kloppers (Corteva), Angel Maduke (UP), Dr Gloria Mandiriza (Corteva), Prof. Bernard Slippers (FABI)

RUNNER-UP Poster Presentations by Students

Presented to Alida van Dijk for her poster titled “A CRISPR-Cas9 mediated gene knockout system to functionally characterize virulence genes in Fusarium circinatum”.

From left to right: Prof. Noëlani van den Berg (FABI), Dr Rikus Kloppers (Corteva), Alida van Dijk (UP), Dr Gloria Mandiriza (Corteva), Prof. Bernard Slippers (FABI)

Presented to Neo Victor Hlongwane for his poster titled “Exploring soybean and sunflower microbiomes for beneficial bacterial microorganisms”.

From left to right: Prof. Noëlani van den Berg (FABI), Dr Rikus Kloppers (Corteva), Neo Hlongwane (UFS), Dr Gloria Mandiriza (Corteva), Prof. Bernard Slippers (FABI)