Southern African Society for Plant Pathology
Advancing Agriculture in Southern Africa

J.E Vanderplank Award

This award is for an outstanding “young” plant pathologist based on evaluation of his/her research. Nominees must have received their doctoral (PhD) degree within a ten (10) year period immediately preceding January 1st of the year in which the award is bestowed. 


A nominee must:

  • Be a member of the SASPP society for at least five years.
  • Have published original research of high quality, as judged by normal international standards.
  • Guidelines include ISI metrics such as the H-index.
  • Nominations should come from senior members of the SASPP society.
  • The award consists of a plaque and is presented at the biennial conference.

Required with application:

  • An up to date curriculum vitae of the candidate.
  • Reprints and/or link of the candidate’s most significant papers.
  • A letter from the nominator that clearly outlines the nominee’s merits.
  • Any relevant supporting documentation.


The JE Vanderplank lecture is presented in recognition of his contribution to the field of plant pathology and to science in general in South Africa, and the world. The lecture is presented as the opening address at the congress. The address is intended to be thought provoking in the spirit of James Vanderplank’s philosophy. Preference is given to inviting leading South African scientists to deliver the address. In recognition of the outstanding contribution of Ethel Doidge to the field of mycology in South Africa and the world, the keynote address in the systematics session of the congress has been named in her honour. Preference is given to inviting leading South African systematists to deliver this address. Although Ethel Doidge is mainly recognised for her contributions to mycology, she contributed significantly to phytobacteriological research in South Africa between 1900 and 1930. It is for this reason that two of the presenters of this lecture have been phytobacteriologists.