Southern African Society for Plant Pathology
Advancing Agriculture in Southern Africa
John and Petakin Mildenhall Best PhD Award
PhD students in Plant Pathology that graduated at a South African University can now apply for the John and Petakin Mildenhall PhD Award. The SASPP council facilitates the process and applications that meet the set criteria will be handed for judgement to a selected panel that include academic and industry members. The recipient will be announced at the biennial conference and the decision will be final. The panel may decide not to make a named award in years without suitable nominations.
A nominee must:
- Be a subscribed SASPP member.
- Have obtained a PhD between 1st January and 31st December of the two years preceding the biennial conference.
- The award comprises a certificate, issued by the SASPP council, and a substantial cash imbursement towards further career development in Plant Pathology.
Required with application:
- A cover letter by the graduated student (not more than 1000 words) highlighting the objectives and results of the PhD study.
- Short statement by the promotor (not more than 150 words) stating the impact and relevance of the particular study’s outcomes, locally and/or internationally, as well as its industrial context.
- A list of published papers from the thesis including the link to the paper(s).
- An abstract (100 words or less) suitable for publication.
- A signed declaration by the student and the promotor confirming that the information provided is factual.