Southern African Society for Plant Pathology
Advancing Agriculture in Southern Africa
The aim of the Society is to promote Plant Pathology in Southern Africa by acting as official mouthpiece of plant pathologists in Southern Africa. The society provides opportunities for plant pathologists to meet and exchange information of mutual scientific interests, coordinating affiliation with related scientific societies in Southern Africa, as well as with corresponding and related foreign societies, gathering and disseminating information on Plant Pathology.


54th SASPP Biennial Congress

Theme:Ukuqinisekisa Ikusasa Elisimeme Ngempilo Yezitshalo(English translation “Ensuring a Sustainable Future through Plant Health”)

Pantoea 2025: The 1st International Scientific Conference for Pantoea Research


Achieving sustainable cultivation of bananas Volume 3: Diseases and pests

Bananas are a key food source for millions, whilst their production supports the livelihood of farmers across the globe. However, recent research has identified the vulnerability of particular banana varieties to major pests and diseases, such as the threat of Tropical Race 4 (Panama disease) to the Cavendish variety. With the banana industry under threat of extinction, more research is required into understanding the biology of the pests and diseases that pose this threat so that more effective management strategies can be developed and the risk of future outbreaks reduced. Achieving sustainable cultivation of bananas Volume 3: Diseases and pests provides a comprehensive review of the major pests and diseases affecting global banana production including Tropical Race 4, black Sigatoka, banana streak virus, root knot nematodes, weevil borer and thrips. The collection explores existing methods for pest/disease diagnosis and identification, as well as current management strategies used to control and/or prevent outbreaks, such as cultural, chemical and biological control methods, the development of disease resistant cultivars and integrated pest and disease management.

The NSTF Discussion Forums are a platform for constructive interaction and discussion with science, engineering technology (SET) and innovation stakeholders, including government, on key priority areas of concern to the SET community. The purpose of these events is to exchange expert knowledge from various perspectives on burning issues.