SASPP Membership Application
Membership may be conferred in one of the following categories:
Ordinary Members:
Ordinary membership may be conferred on any person possessing at least a bachelor’s degree in Plant Pathology, or an equivalent degree in a related discipline from a recognized university, or otherwise deemed acceptable by Council on the grounds of training, experience or position.
Affiliated Members:
Any person possessing a technical diploma in Plant Pathology or a related discipline, or whose work is connected with Plant Pathology or a related discipline, but who does not qualify for Ordinary Membership, may be admitted as an Affiliated Member.
Student Members:
Bona fide postgraduate students in Plant Pathology or a related discipline, who are not employed on a full-time basis, may apply for student membership. Student Application Form
Honorary Members:
The Society may confer Honorary Membership upon retired members on the grounds of outstanding contributions to Plant Pathology in southern African. They shall be eligible to pay half the ordinary membership fee. Guidelines for the acceptance of Honorary Membership are those outlined in the “Policies and Procedures” document of the Society.
The Society will elect Fellows in recognition of outstanding service and support to plant pathology over an extended period of time. Guidelines for the election of Fellows are those outlined in the “Policies and Procedures” document of the Society.
Any person, organization, or institution may, with the approval of Council, become a Patron of the Society after payment of an annual fee to be determined at the Biennial General Meeting.