

The South African Journal of Science

Vol 116 No 11/12 (2020)

This special issue commemorates the International Year of Plant Health 2020 and will serve as an excellent source of the latest research, reviews and commentaries from leading plant pathologists and entomologists in South Africa. It will inform not only plant pathologists and food growers, but also policymakers and the public of the importance of plant health. As Mirko Montuori (UN Food and Agriculture Organization) states in his Commentary, ‘…our own health depends on plants while the health of plants depends on us’.

SASPP 2021 Online Meeting

Due to Covid-19 situation, our in-person biennial congress of the Southern African Society for Plant Pathology will be postponed to January 2022, but we will have an online event on 20 January 2021 to celebrate the IYPH2020, and to reconnect as a Society after this very disruptive year.

During this event, we will also celebrate the launch of the special issue on plant health of SAJSci and a book on the history of Plant Pathology and the announcement of the Mildenhall Award.